Following advice given to others on this site, I have successfully managed to get everything running under Personal Oracle 8i (Vers 8.1.6)on a test PC. I now need to get it up & running with our main server running Enterprise edition (ver 8.1.7), and it will not, giving:- ORA-29540: class oracle/plsql/net/TCPConnection does not exist.
How do I track down references to this missing class and put it right?
Under 8.1.7, the file initplsj.sql gives an unhandled java error, where under 8.1.6 both initjvm & initplsj worked fine.
Comparing both databases, I cannot see any real differences
How do I track down references to this missing class and put it right?
Under 8.1.7, the file initplsj.sql gives an unhandled java error, where under 8.1.6 both initjvm & initplsj worked fine.
Comparing both databases, I cannot see any real differences