I have created a SMTP connector to send email for a subdomain across the LAN to a pop3 server rather than the internet, but the mail is still going out via the Default SMTP Server rather than to the pop3 server on the LAN.
The main domain is domain.com and the sub domain is pop3.domain.com. Exchange is 2003 SP2 (backend clustered, plus frontend server)
I created the smtp connector
Specified the IP of the pop3 server as the smarthost(placed in [])
Selected a bridge head server (backend)
Configured the address space as Type:SMTP - Address
op3.domain.com - Cost:1 for the entire organisation and ticked Allow messages to be relayed to these domains.
All other settings are default.
Have I missed anything?
I have created a SMTP connector to send email for a subdomain across the LAN to a pop3 server rather than the internet, but the mail is still going out via the Default SMTP Server rather than to the pop3 server on the LAN.
The main domain is domain.com and the sub domain is pop3.domain.com. Exchange is 2003 SP2 (backend clustered, plus frontend server)
I created the smtp connector
Specified the IP of the pop3 server as the smarthost(placed in [])
Selected a bridge head server (backend)
Configured the address space as Type:SMTP - Address
All other settings are default.
Have I missed anything?