Hello, I'd like to describe an issue and see if this sounds familiar to anyone, or if there is a solution that I have not thought of yet.
CAUSE: My ISP (yeah, it's comcast) began blocking port 25 inbound so my personal mail server was no longer receiving mail.
RESOLUTION: I worked through a new DNS re-router to change the port that would now receive mail: from port 25 to port 587. It took me a while to get the routes pointed correctly, but I finally got the messages to route, get through my firewall, and hit the mail server. YAY!
NEW PROBLEM: After some IP and DNS routing issues, I finally got things to work, the email that gets sent finally arrives at my mail server. However, the mail server (Alt-N MDaemon) now requires AUTH from the incoming DNS re-direct.
BIG QUESTION: How do I configure MDaemon mail server (or any other mail server, for that matter) to accept the mail from the new re-route server? Mail now re-directed to the new port ALWAYS comes from that route (mx-routes01.editdns.net). Where in the configuration settings of MDaemon do I set it up? I've tried including the host name and the IP address into every WhiteList list I can find, added it to the trusted host name list and everything. I'm at a loss, since it's impossilbe to configure the re-route server to provide AUTH credentials to my mail server. MDaemon now replys to every mail reuqest with : 530
Authentication required (in reply to MAIL FROM command)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'll try anything at this point.
Thanks in Advance.
CAUSE: My ISP (yeah, it's comcast) began blocking port 25 inbound so my personal mail server was no longer receiving mail.
RESOLUTION: I worked through a new DNS re-router to change the port that would now receive mail: from port 25 to port 587. It took me a while to get the routes pointed correctly, but I finally got the messages to route, get through my firewall, and hit the mail server. YAY!
NEW PROBLEM: After some IP and DNS routing issues, I finally got things to work, the email that gets sent finally arrives at my mail server. However, the mail server (Alt-N MDaemon) now requires AUTH from the incoming DNS re-direct.
BIG QUESTION: How do I configure MDaemon mail server (or any other mail server, for that matter) to accept the mail from the new re-route server? Mail now re-directed to the new port ALWAYS comes from that route (mx-routes01.editdns.net). Where in the configuration settings of MDaemon do I set it up? I've tried including the host name and the IP address into every WhiteList list I can find, added it to the trusted host name list and everything. I'm at a loss, since it's impossilbe to configure the re-route server to provide AUTH credentials to my mail server. MDaemon now replys to every mail reuqest with : 530
Authentication required (in reply to MAIL FROM command)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'll try anything at this point.
Thanks in Advance.