For what do you need SMS-function? Normally you have an external alarmserver, which sends SMS to DECT-Phones. Alarms can be generated via normal contacts or via a serial Interface. Server is connected to NIU-Eth-IF and you use normal IO- and MS-Commands. With gedic you give the dect-phone SMS-functionality. But you can not send SMS between Dect-phones.
Not at all: SMS from DECT to DECT is a basic feature provided by the SMS Service Center connected to the MD. But this SMS Service Senter is a normal PC with a SMS SW installed to analysed the messages coming from the MD and sending it back to the MD. Nothing to be connected to an external operator.
This SMS service center can be provided by the ASCOM TATECO system that you can by from Ericsson or Ascom, or you can develop your own SMS service center with the SMS developper Kit that can be fetched from Ericsson.
All the information regarding SMS can be found into Alex
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