Distributed environment: NG FP3
Redhat Linux Mngt (no sendmail but has mailx)
W2K GUI clients
I'd like to be notified when the Management station thinks the FW is NOT connected (or other events listed in SmartView Status options.)
I.e. Get notifications of event of things like
"SVN Foundation - No Connection"
"Firewall-1 - No Policy Installed"
Send me a message (smtp)!
I've changed the following options (names changed for protection)
In SmartView Status | System Alert
firewall1.test.com Custom -> SVN Foundation:No Connection:Mail
In SmartDashboard | Global Properties | Log & Alert | Alert Commands
internal_sendmail -s FW_alert -t 192.168.XXX.XXX <my e-mail address goes here>
What am I missing, because this doesn't seem to be working!
The Redhat Linux Management station does NOT have sendmail, but it does have mailx.
David Nemeth
Systems Administrator
Redhat Linux Mngt (no sendmail but has mailx)
W2K GUI clients
I'd like to be notified when the Management station thinks the FW is NOT connected (or other events listed in SmartView Status options.)
I.e. Get notifications of event of things like
"SVN Foundation - No Connection"
"Firewall-1 - No Policy Installed"
Send me a message (smtp)!
I've changed the following options (names changed for protection)
In SmartView Status | System Alert
firewall1.test.com Custom -> SVN Foundation:No Connection:Mail
In SmartDashboard | Global Properties | Log & Alert | Alert Commands
internal_sendmail -s FW_alert -t 192.168.XXX.XXX <my e-mail address goes here>
What am I missing, because this doesn't seem to be working!
The Redhat Linux Management station does NOT have sendmail, but it does have mailx.
David Nemeth
Systems Administrator