I am going to do some work on the side for a small business that I have worked with for years. I know their setup now because I did it. I also know the core requirements to meet. I will list the important stuff and some options I thought of. I would like to get some other points of views about the options I list or anything I missed. I need to build a proposal and a price for them ASAP. Ok, here goes....
- Small Business, small office of about 12-15 users or so.
- Users also access remotely
- Netgear Business Firewall/Router/VPN
- (1) Dell Server (Out of Warranty Currently...since July)
- Dell Switch
- Business Cable Internet Access
- All Apps run from 2003 Server via Terminal Server
- Windows 2003 Standard
- All users logon with local accounts as Users/Power Users
- 1 User has Administrator Access for certain Apps
- Run some logon scripts for printers, mapped drives, etc
- All users computer illiterate...LOL
- All XP Clients
- Around 15-20 computers access server/intranet via local or remote access
- AD Domain
- SharePoint
- Maintain Terminal Server
- Maintain fault Tolerance and redundancy
- Everything must have a backup/recovery plan.
- Keep it CHEAP
Ok, so thats the major stuff. Their current server is NOT taxed much at all. It would need some disk space to do anything more, but I do not know if it can be covered under warranty anymore. Here are some ideas I had that would give me flexibility, very low hw/sw price, and meet requirements as well as my requirements to do it.
Option A.
Option A will be physical servers. I would rather keep the DC separate from anything else other than something small. So to do this, I thought I would maybe price out 2 servers, quite small. The thing is though, I will only do HP or Dell because I want the 3 year service plan onsite for them and I need something they can do a business lease/purchase on like the last server. So, if I quote the servers with a RAID 1 array of drives, a single cpu, and at least 2 GB of RAM, its still a few thousand. Then to add a RAID controller, and a tape drive to backup, its several thousand just for 1 simple server. Backup is another issue. I am thinking os maybe some sort of small NAS or something that would be much cheaper and have plenty of storage for 2 servers. Backup data size should not need to be more than 100GB for basic data plus whatever more I need for the new servers.
OK, so this option will cost a lot because I will need 2 servers and 2 backup solutions.
Virtualization is my idea for Option B. My thought was to buy a larger single server and load it with Microsoft Virtual Server. My concerns there are how well the VM's will perform. My original thought was that the HOST OS would be Windows 2003 Std and would be the DC. Then, the VM's would be an app server and a Terminal Server. My concern is the performance and how big the server hw will need to be for the VM's to get enough resources. I also thought about buying VMWare ESX Server for it and NOT run a Windows HOST OS. In this config, even the DC would be virtual. That makes me a little uneasy, but it would be easier to backup....at least I think. ESX will also cost a couple thousand I believe. So virtualization has a few question marks on how well it will work and how much it will cost.
So, that is a brief description. They do plan to grow, so the systems will need to be designed with growth in mind, but they are still VERY small.
Any ideas/suggestions? I am open to anything some of you other experienced guys have to offer. My job is to work in a large enterprise and manage tens of thousands of users/systems. I am doing this job as a favor on the side. I am not used to designing a "mini" enterprise for little money. So the major thing I need to do is to figure out what hw, sw, and config I am going to need to price out for them. I also need to keep the price in mind while designing.
- Small Business, small office of about 12-15 users or so.
- Users also access remotely
- Netgear Business Firewall/Router/VPN
- (1) Dell Server (Out of Warranty Currently...since July)
- Dell Switch
- Business Cable Internet Access
- All Apps run from 2003 Server via Terminal Server
- Windows 2003 Standard
- All users logon with local accounts as Users/Power Users
- 1 User has Administrator Access for certain Apps
- Run some logon scripts for printers, mapped drives, etc
- All users computer illiterate...LOL
- All XP Clients
- Around 15-20 computers access server/intranet via local or remote access
- AD Domain
- SharePoint
- Maintain Terminal Server
- Maintain fault Tolerance and redundancy
- Everything must have a backup/recovery plan.
- Keep it CHEAP
Ok, so thats the major stuff. Their current server is NOT taxed much at all. It would need some disk space to do anything more, but I do not know if it can be covered under warranty anymore. Here are some ideas I had that would give me flexibility, very low hw/sw price, and meet requirements as well as my requirements to do it.
Option A.
Option A will be physical servers. I would rather keep the DC separate from anything else other than something small. So to do this, I thought I would maybe price out 2 servers, quite small. The thing is though, I will only do HP or Dell because I want the 3 year service plan onsite for them and I need something they can do a business lease/purchase on like the last server. So, if I quote the servers with a RAID 1 array of drives, a single cpu, and at least 2 GB of RAM, its still a few thousand. Then to add a RAID controller, and a tape drive to backup, its several thousand just for 1 simple server. Backup is another issue. I am thinking os maybe some sort of small NAS or something that would be much cheaper and have plenty of storage for 2 servers. Backup data size should not need to be more than 100GB for basic data plus whatever more I need for the new servers.
OK, so this option will cost a lot because I will need 2 servers and 2 backup solutions.
Virtualization is my idea for Option B. My thought was to buy a larger single server and load it with Microsoft Virtual Server. My concerns there are how well the VM's will perform. My original thought was that the HOST OS would be Windows 2003 Std and would be the DC. Then, the VM's would be an app server and a Terminal Server. My concern is the performance and how big the server hw will need to be for the VM's to get enough resources. I also thought about buying VMWare ESX Server for it and NOT run a Windows HOST OS. In this config, even the DC would be virtual. That makes me a little uneasy, but it would be easier to backup....at least I think. ESX will also cost a couple thousand I believe. So virtualization has a few question marks on how well it will work and how much it will cost.
So, that is a brief description. They do plan to grow, so the systems will need to be designed with growth in mind, but they are still VERY small.
Any ideas/suggestions? I am open to anything some of you other experienced guys have to offer. My job is to work in a large enterprise and manage tens of thousands of users/systems. I am doing this job as a favor on the side. I am not used to designing a "mini" enterprise for little money. So the major thing I need to do is to figure out what hw, sw, and config I am going to need to price out for them. I also need to keep the price in mind while designing.