Hello, I had to restart the SQL Server agent this morning to get it working correctly.
I had to do something similiar about a week ago and want to figure out what's the isssue. Below are the initial lines I found in the SQL Server log when the slowness started but I'm not sure what they mean.
Line 1:Buffer Distribution: Stolen=6619 Free=0 Procedures=150 Inram=174360
Dirty=16 Kept=0 I/O=0, Latched=1432, Other=0
Line 2:LazyWriter: warning, no free buffers found.
Line 3:Query Memory Manager: Grants=1 Waiting=0 Maximum=87918 Available=87860
Line 4:Global Memory Objects: Resource=4223 Locks=3171
SQLCache=77 Replication=2
LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=45
Line 5ynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=6751 OS Reserved=1528
OS Committed=1504
OS In Use=1442
Query Plan=168 Optimizer=7
Utilities=61 Connection=86
Line 6rocedure Cache: TotalProcs=3 TotalPages=150 InUsePages=150
Line 7:Buffer Counts: Commited=182577 Target=182577 Hashed=175808
InternalReservation=1662 ExternalReservation=40 Min Free=512
Line 8:Insufficient memory available..
Line 9:Error: 17803, Severity: 20, State: 14
I had to do something similiar about a week ago and want to figure out what's the isssue. Below are the initial lines I found in the SQL Server log when the slowness started but I'm not sure what they mean.
Line 1:Buffer Distribution: Stolen=6619 Free=0 Procedures=150 Inram=174360
Dirty=16 Kept=0 I/O=0, Latched=1432, Other=0
Line 2:LazyWriter: warning, no free buffers found.
Line 3:Query Memory Manager: Grants=1 Waiting=0 Maximum=87918 Available=87860
Line 4:Global Memory Objects: Resource=4223 Locks=3171
SQLCache=77 Replication=2
LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=45
Line 5ynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=6751 OS Reserved=1528
OS Committed=1504
OS In Use=1442
Query Plan=168 Optimizer=7
Utilities=61 Connection=86
Line 6rocedure Cache: TotalProcs=3 TotalPages=150 InUsePages=150
Line 7:Buffer Counts: Commited=182577 Target=182577 Hashed=175808
InternalReservation=1662 ExternalReservation=40 Min Free=512
Line 8:Insufficient memory available..
Line 9:Error: 17803, Severity: 20, State: 14