I have a web site running PHP with a MySQL back-end. When it is connected to the internet, it runs fine either from the machine it resides on as well as other machines on the network. The problem is that when taken off the network (i.e. offline altogether - no Internet connection), it runs extremely slow when accessed via localhost. It initially prompts the user with a popup stating that it can't connect and gives options for working offline or trying again. Working offline doesn't work but trying again seems to work, but goes real slow. I need it to run efficiently while disconnected from the Internet because it is being shown at a conference that doesn't have Internet access.
Does anyone have any idea why it runs slow while disconnected from the Internet? I need to know ASAP as it is being shown as I type.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Does anyone have any idea why it runs slow while disconnected from the Internet? I need to know ASAP as it is being shown as I type.
Any help is greatly appreciated.