I have openserver 5.0.6.
We use Samba for printing from the SCO box. I have special interface files designed to test that the windows machine is connected before sending the print jobs so that jobs don't get lost.
A little over a year ago we added a bunch of WAN subnets that necessitated adding WINS resolution to Samba in order to reach those machines. Since doing that, the time between job created and job printed has increased to approximately 1 minute now. I know this delay is due to the time it is taking for my outdated NT4 WINS server to resolve the machine names to Samba. This is also a rather old version of Samba (2.0.5).
Does anyone have any simple suggestions for speeding up the connection process so my print jobs come out faster?
Would upgrading Samba likely improve the speed of the jobs?
Is there a way to create a Samba host list that doesn't require stopping and restarting Samba every time the IP addresses change, and use that instead of WINS?
We use Samba for printing from the SCO box. I have special interface files designed to test that the windows machine is connected before sending the print jobs so that jobs don't get lost.
A little over a year ago we added a bunch of WAN subnets that necessitated adding WINS resolution to Samba in order to reach those machines. Since doing that, the time between job created and job printed has increased to approximately 1 minute now. I know this delay is due to the time it is taking for my outdated NT4 WINS server to resolve the machine names to Samba. This is also a rather old version of Samba (2.0.5).
Does anyone have any simple suggestions for speeding up the connection process so my print jobs come out faster?
Would upgrading Samba likely improve the speed of the jobs?
Is there a way to create a Samba host list that doesn't require stopping and restarting Samba every time the IP addresses change, and use that instead of WINS?