I have query that contains one sub-query. When I run the query by itself it takes about 30 seconds to return. The problem is if I make a basic report (no grouping or sorting) around this query it takes 7 minutes to return. Any suggestions?
Look first at your queries. If you have more than 'x' tables in your queries and are using various selection criteria, there may be a better way to do it. 'x' can vary based on the number of tables, number of total records, indicies and table relationships.
I dealt with 7+ minute report last year. My solution was to create 'qry_Step1' which had ONLY the tables that had selection criteria (or enough tables to provide relationships). Then changed old query to use 'qrl_Step1' (of course don't duplicate the selection criteria).
Duane MS Access MVP
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Trevil I do have a lot of tables in the sub query. I'm not sure that I can cut the number based on the way the database was designed (not by me). Thanks for the suggestion.
How about posting the SQL from your main query and the subquery. I have some code that will generate a database based on the SQL and will play around with it tonight to see if there is something obvious.
In the main query Regulator, Org Spons, License Type, and IDENTIFICATION_VALUE are the fields where the criteria changes. Everything else in the where stays the same.
The main query is:
SELECT DISTINCTROW [A Qry LicensesCC].Name, [A Qry LicensesCC].[License No], [A Qry LicensesCC].WORKING_CREDENTIAL_ID, [A Qry LicensesCC].Regulator, [A Qry LicensesCC].[Org Spons], [A Qry LicensesCC].Renewal, [A Qry LicensesCC].Termination, [A Qry LicensesCC].[License Type], IDENTIFICATION_AE.IDENTIFICATION_VALUE AS IDENTIFICATION_VALUE, ORGANIZATION.ORGANIZATION_NAME
WHERE ((([A Qry LicensesCC].Regulator)="California" Or ([A Qry LicensesCC].Regulator)="Vermont") AND (([A Qry LicensesCC].[Org Spons])="Securities Corp.") AND (([A Qry LicensesCC].[License Type])="Securities") AND ((IDENTIFICATION_AE.IDENTIFICATION_VALUE)="052" Or (IDENTIFICATION_AE.IDENTIFICATION_VALUE)="336") AND ((IDENTIFICATION.IDENTIFICATION_NAME)="Cost Center") AND ((OCCUPIED_POSITION.PRIMARY_CC_FLAG)=Yes));
The Sub Query (A Qry LicensesCC) is:
SELECT working_credential.WORKING_CREDENTIAL_ID, main_goal.MAIN_GOAL_NAME AS [License Type], ORGANIZATION.ORGANIZATION_NAME AS Regulator, associate_credential_ae.CREQ_VALUE AS [Org Spons], IIf([Working_Credential]![registrant_table_id]=1,[ORGANIZATION_1]![ORGANIZATION_NAME],[PERSON_WHOLENAME]) AS Name, working_credential.CREQ_VALUE AS [License No], associate_credential_ae_2.CREQ_VALUE AS Renewal, associate_credential_ae_1.CREQ_VALUE AS Termination, PERSON.PERSON_ID
FROM (ORGANIZATION INNER JOIN (main_goal INNER JOIN (creq_category INNER JOIN ((associate_credential_ae AS associate_credential_ae_2 INNER JOIN ((associate_credential_ae AS associate_credential_ae_1 INNER JOIN creq_sub_category AS creq_sub_category_1 ON associate_credential_ae_1.CREQ_SUB_CATEGORY_ID = creq_sub_category_1.CREQ_SUB_CATEGORY_ID) INNER JOIN ((working_credential LEFT JOIN PERSON ON working_credential.REGISTRANT_RECORD_REF_ID = PERSON.PERSON_ID) LEFT JOIN ORGANIZATION AS ORGANIZATION_1 ON working_credential.REGISTRANT_RECORD_REF_ID = ORGANIZATION_1.ORG_ID) ON associate_credential_ae_1.WORKING_CREDENTIAL_ID = working_credential.WORKING_CREDENTIAL_ID) ON associate_credential_ae_2.WORKING_CREDENTIAL_ID = working_credential.WORKING_CREDENTIAL_ID) INNER JOIN creq_sub_category AS creq_sub_category_2 ON associate_credential_ae_2.CREQ_SUB_CATEGORY_ID = creq_sub_category_2.CREQ_SUB_CATEGORY_ID) ON creq_category.CREQ_CATEGORY_ID = working_credential.CREQ_CATEGORY_ID) ON main_goal.MAIN_GOAL_ID = working_credential.MAIN_GOAL_ID) ON ORGANIZATION.ORG_ID = working_credential.REG_ORG_ID) INNER JOIN (creq_sub_category INNER JOIN associate_credential_ae ON creq_sub_category.CREQ_SUB_CATEGORY_ID = associate_credential_ae.CREQ_SUB_CATEGORY_ID) ON working_credential.WORKING_CREDENTIAL_ID = associate_credential_ae.WORKING_CREDENTIAL_ID
WHERE (((associate_credential_ae_1.CREQ_VALUE) Is Null) AND ((creq_sub_category_1.CREQ_SUB_CATEGORY_NAME)="Termination") AND ((creq_category.CREQ_CATEGORY_NAME)="License") AND ((creq_sub_category.CREQ_SUB_CATEGORY_NAME)="Organization") AND ((creq_sub_category_2.CREQ_SUB_CATEGORY_NAME)="Renewal"))
It appears the query can be made faster, but I first need to know some of the table relationships and indicies.
Can you please run the following code and send me the output from the debug window. Since I see this was your first post to Tek-Tips, excuse me if I offend with the detail:
1. Open your database and on menu bar, click "Insert | Module: (or click on Modules tab, then click "New" icon).
2. Paste the following code at the bottom:
Function Get_Table_Relationships()
Dim rel As Relation
For Each rel In CurrentDb.Relations
Debug.Print rel.Name & vbTab & "Table: " & rel.Table & vbTab & "Table2: " & rel.ForeignTable & _
vbTab & "Attributes: " & rel.Attributes
Next rel
End Function
Function List_Indicies()
Dim dbs As Database
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim idx As Index
Set dbs = CurrentDb
For Each tdf In dbs.TableDefs
If Left(tdf.Name, 4) <> "MSys" Then
Debug.Print tdf.Name
For Each idx In tdf.Indexes
Debug.Print " " & idx.Name & " " & idx.Fields & " " & idx.Unique & " " & idx.Required & " " & idx.Primary
'Debug.Print " " & idx.Properties(0).Name & " " & idx.Properties(1).Name & " " & idx.Properties(2).Name & " " & idx.Properties(3).Name & " " & idx.Properties(4).Name & " " & idx.Properties(5).Name & " " & idx.Properties(6).Name & " " & idx.Properties(7).Name
Next idx
End If
Next tdf
Set idx = Nothing
Set tdf = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
End Function
3. Click mouse anywhere within this new code and press the F5 key.
4. On menu bar, click "View | Immediate Window" (or press Ctrl+G)
5. Copy all of the text there and paste into this thread.
6. Then click your mouse anywhere in the "Function List_Indicies()" and press F5 again.
7. Copy the new data from the Immediate Window and paste in this thread.
I had another thought on something to try.
1. Change your Main query to a "make table" query and see how long it takes to run. You can't use a table name that is the same as any query.
2. Change your reports 'Record Source' to use that new table and see how long that runs.
If it's a lot faster, then that's the easy way out.
I did manage to restructure your queries a little, but have no idea how much impact that may have.
"Have a great day today and a better day tomorrow!
Thanks for the help. I tried making the main query a "make table" query, but that took about 7 min. So, what I did was run the main query as a select. Then went thru the record set and inserted the rows into a temp table myself. I set this temp table as the record source. The report now comes back in about 30 seconds.
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