Hopefully someone can help me with this one..
When printing CrystalReports7 from vb 6 the report hangs on the .OpenReport Line, granted its only for about 4-5 seconds but it is annoying
The code looks someting like this:
Dim crpApp As New crpeauto.Application
Dim crpReport As crpeauto.Report
Dim crptable As crpeauto.DatabaseTable
Dim msReport As String
Sub Print_Users()
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
msReport = GetPrivProfStr("Reports", "UserReport", gsIniPath)
****hangs on this line****
Set crpReport = crpApp.OpenReport(msReport, 1)
For Each crptable In crpReport.Database.Tables
crptable.SetLogOnInfo gsServer, gsDatabase, gsUserID, gsPassword
Next crptable
crpReport.PrintOut False, 1
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
The reports are fairly simple and run off Sql Stored Procedures.
Any Suggestions?
Hopefully someone can help me with this one..
When printing CrystalReports7 from vb 6 the report hangs on the .OpenReport Line, granted its only for about 4-5 seconds but it is annoying
The code looks someting like this:
Dim crpApp As New crpeauto.Application
Dim crpReport As crpeauto.Report
Dim crptable As crpeauto.DatabaseTable
Dim msReport As String
Sub Print_Users()
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
msReport = GetPrivProfStr("Reports", "UserReport", gsIniPath)
****hangs on this line****
Set crpReport = crpApp.OpenReport(msReport, 1)
For Each crptable In crpReport.Database.Tables
crptable.SetLogOnInfo gsServer, gsDatabase, gsUserID, gsPassword
Next crptable
crpReport.PrintOut False, 1
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
The reports are fairly simple and run off Sql Stored Procedures.
Any Suggestions?