Hi forks,
When I telnet to the server it takes 1 minutes and 22 seconds to get the login prompt. I experience the same problem with ftp. When I do a netstat -i on the server it takes just about the same time for me to get a response. I noticed however that when i do netstat -I and the inferface for the server(net0") I get a quick response, while if I do a netstat -I on the localhost interface i get slow response. What could be causing this problem. The problem start after I restart the server one evening, but no changes were made that day.
OS: Unixware 7.1.0
On a Compaq proliant 3000 Server
with a maximum of 50 users.
When I telnet to the server it takes 1 minutes and 22 seconds to get the login prompt. I experience the same problem with ftp. When I do a netstat -i on the server it takes just about the same time for me to get a response. I noticed however that when i do netstat -I and the inferface for the server(net0") I get a quick response, while if I do a netstat -I on the localhost interface i get slow response. What could be causing this problem. The problem start after I restart the server one evening, but no changes were made that day.
OS: Unixware 7.1.0
On a Compaq proliant 3000 Server
with a maximum of 50 users.