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Slow Listview second time used

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Jul 11, 2002
I have a problem with the Listview control where if I open a program, populate a Datareader and then loop the reader into a Listview, it's very fast the first time (400 milliseconds for 600 items in 5 columns) and then if you click it again for a refresh where it re-executes the datareader, etc, it will take 35 seconds. After the first use of the List view, it's always slow.

I figured it had to do with repainting the list, so I set the Visible property to False while it loops. No better. I set the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate accordingly and that doesn't help. I tried to use:

Declare Function LockWindowUpdate Lib "user32" (ByVal hwndLock As Long) As Long

but I can't get a handle for the control that works with the call (I didn't spend much time on this, I doubt it will help). I also SuspendLayout and ResumeLayout.

The only thing I can think of yet is to create the Listview in code and destroy it after each use. Would this work, and if not, what else? Should I just bite the bullet and write it with some other control :(

Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
'load the list view columns
lvwEvents.Columns.Add("EventLogID", 0, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvwEvents.Columns.Add("Type", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvwEvents.Columns.Add("TimeGenerated", 150, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvwEvents.Columns.Add("SourceName", 125, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvwEvents.Columns.Add("Message", 500, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvwEvents.Columns.Add("Category", 70, HorizontalAlignment.Left)

If Not bEmpty Then
drSQL = cCommonData.ExecuteSQL_GetReader(strSQL)

Dim fColor As System.Drawing.Color
Dim Litem As ListViewItem
Dim flag As Boolean = False

Me.lvwEvents.Visible = False
Dim start As System.DateTime = System.DateTime.Now
Dim finish As System.DateTime
Dim i As Integer
While drSQL.Read
i = i + 1
Litem = New ListViewItem
Litem.Text = (drSQL.Item("EventLogID").ToString())
Litem.SubItems.Add(drSQL.Item("Type").ToString(), fColor, Color.White, SystemInformation.MenuFont)
Litem.SubItems.Add(drSQL.Item("TimeGenerated").ToString(), fColor, Color.White, SystemInformation.MenuFont)
Litem.SubItems.Add(drSQL.Item("SourceName").ToString, fColor, Color.White, SystemInformation.MenuFont)
Litem.SubItems.Add(drSQL.Item("Message").ToString, fColor, Color.White, SystemInformation.MenuFont)
Litem.SubItems.Add(drSQL.Item("Category").ToString, fColor, Color.White, SystemInformation.MenuFont)
End While
finish = Date.Now
Dim span As System.TimeSpan = finish.Subtract(start)
Console.WriteLine(EventLogType & "(" & i & "): " & span.Seconds.ToString() & "." & span.Milliseconds.ToString())
' Close and Clean up objects

End If
Me.lvwEvents.Tag = Nothing
Me.lvwEvents.ListViewItemSorter = New ListViewTextSort(2, SortOrder.Descending, VariantType.Date)
Me.lvwEvents.Visible = True
Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
Just a thought, why don't you do your suspendlayout before your clear. Ie, swap lines 3 and 4.
Just out of curiosity.....how about placing code to calc the time it takes to retrieve the datareader. Compare the initial time with each subsequent time.

Programmer Analyst
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