This is driving me bananas.
Replaced a switch, no biggee. But next morning everyone falling off the network. Finally all pc's but one refuses to play along. It is connected to a auto sensing 10/100.
It shows it's connecting at 100MB. It can PING by name/IP address, on time responses. Now, on the other hand try to open Outlook, forget it, mapped drives, forget it and the internet, it makes an attempt.
I have swapped cables, ports, nics and loaded a LMHOSTs file. Gave it a static IP, still no luck.
Getting lots of heat about it,,,secretary of course.
Any suggestions?
Doc The DI from PI
Virginia Beach, VA U.S.A.
Replaced a switch, no biggee. But next morning everyone falling off the network. Finally all pc's but one refuses to play along. It is connected to a auto sensing 10/100.
It shows it's connecting at 100MB. It can PING by name/IP address, on time responses. Now, on the other hand try to open Outlook, forget it, mapped drives, forget it and the internet, it makes an attempt.
I have swapped cables, ports, nics and loaded a LMHOSTs file. Gave it a static IP, still no luck.
Getting lots of heat about it,,,secretary of course.
Any suggestions?
Doc The DI from PI
Virginia Beach, VA U.S.A.