Server Stats:
Winnt4.0 term server w/sp6
Citrix metaframe1.8 sp2
Compaq PII450 w/500MB
DSL 640K/S
Client Stats:
WIN98 600MHZ w/128MB
ICA client ver. 6
I have one client that once a month or so, once connected to the citrix server is very slow. Sometime log in is also very slow. I can not figure out what is going on. When she logs on at a different system the speed is normal or fast. But when I place a new system on her network drop it's also very slow. However this is only happening about once a month.. After a few days or a week or so it's back to normal speed.
What I have done:
Reinstall nic card
Reinstall ICA Client
Gave user new PC
Gave her new port on patch panel
Disable sounds, background,
What else should i do? Thanks in advance.
Winnt4.0 term server w/sp6
Citrix metaframe1.8 sp2
Compaq PII450 w/500MB
DSL 640K/S
Client Stats:
WIN98 600MHZ w/128MB
ICA client ver. 6
I have one client that once a month or so, once connected to the citrix server is very slow. Sometime log in is also very slow. I can not figure out what is going on. When she logs on at a different system the speed is normal or fast. But when I place a new system on her network drop it's also very slow. However this is only happening about once a month.. After a few days or a week or so it's back to normal speed.
What I have done:
Reinstall nic card
Reinstall ICA Client
Gave user new PC
Gave her new port on patch panel
Disable sounds, background,
What else should i do? Thanks in advance.