System = Win XP Home, 256MB RAM, 2GHz Celeron, NIS 2003, no performance issues.
Problem = for the first 6+ months of use the PC booted really quickly and there were no issues. A week or so ago it suddenly started to take far, far longer to boot - probably 3 times as long. Not only that, but the HDD thrashes the entire time, and after the XP Home boot screen I get a completely blank black screen for a further 30-40 seconds (all the while the HDD is working away). No new hardware (certain) or software (almost certain) installed. The only software other than the OS that gets updated frequently is NIS 2003. A safe mode boot is much much faster, while a safe mode + networking boot is really slow.
I am now almost certain an NIS update has caused this. Just wondering if anyone else has heard of or experienced this before I go and uninstall it..
Problem = for the first 6+ months of use the PC booted really quickly and there were no issues. A week or so ago it suddenly started to take far, far longer to boot - probably 3 times as long. Not only that, but the HDD thrashes the entire time, and after the XP Home boot screen I get a completely blank black screen for a further 30-40 seconds (all the while the HDD is working away). No new hardware (certain) or software (almost certain) installed. The only software other than the OS that gets updated frequently is NIS 2003. A safe mode boot is much much faster, while a safe mode + networking boot is really slow.
I am now almost certain an NIS update has caused this. Just wondering if anyone else has heard of or experienced this before I go and uninstall it..