Just to start I really don't know much about Unix at all. I am the Novell and Windows administrator. I can create a printer and setup a backup job using ArcServe for Unix but that is really about it. OK about a week ago the backup job on our SCO Unix box was still running when I went to change to tape at 4pm (the backup was started at 11pm the night before). I had heard that if you get alot of cron jobs running that it will slow your server so we rebooted the server. In addition I changed the start time of our backups to 8pm. This morning I get in and am told be our users that the system is running really slow. I check the server and the backup is still running and it is almost 8am. Can anyone tell me where to start in troubleshooting this problem? I am completely in the dark here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.