Trying to setup a skip directive to skip *.mpa and *.mpg files on a Netware server and they still backup. The directive is as follows:
+skip: *.mpg
+skip: *.mpa
So the fileserver is called FS0 and the volume on that server is NSSVOL: the path in NSSVOL is departments/safety/peak32/ . In the peak32 folder there are 10 subdirectories and within each of those 10 directories there are folders containing *.mpg and *.mpa files. I figured this directive would skip all mpg and mpa files within NSSVOL
EPARTMENTS/SAFTEY/PEAK32/ and all the directories below it, but it's not. Any ideas?
+skip: *.mpg
+skip: *.mpa
So the fileserver is called FS0 and the volume on that server is NSSVOL: the path in NSSVOL is departments/safety/peak32/ . In the peak32 folder there are 10 subdirectories and within each of those 10 directories there are folders containing *.mpg and *.mpa files. I figured this directive would skip all mpg and mpa files within NSSVOL