On the stock reports in Symposium 4.2 and Web Client 4.0 the skillset performance report doesn't have a service level calculation. Why is that? I can find a service level calculation on the application performance report, and the skillset realtime displays shows the service level, but my management wants to see a skillset service level calculation on the skillset performance report. Is there a reason Nortel doesn't have this in their standard reports?
Here's the formula for application service level:
% Service Level [{(CallsAnswered + CallsAbandoned) – (CallsAnsweredAftThreshold + CallsAbandonedAftThreshold)} /
(CallsAnswered + CallsAbandoned)] x 100
Couldn't you write your own report in Crystal but subsitute CallsAbandoned and CallsAbandonedAftThreshold with SkillsetAbandoned and SkillsetAbandonedAftThreshold? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Here's the formula for application service level:
% Service Level [{(CallsAnswered + CallsAbandoned) – (CallsAnsweredAftThreshold + CallsAbandonedAftThreshold)} /
(CallsAnswered + CallsAbandoned)] x 100
Couldn't you write your own report in Crystal but subsitute CallsAbandoned and CallsAbandonedAftThreshold with SkillsetAbandoned and SkillsetAbandonedAftThreshold? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!