IT is often a second or subsequent career for people. Moving in from other professions brings in existing knowledge and experience to their IT work that somebody who has always worked in IT (such as myself) may not have. I'm not just talking of transferable skills.
As an example, business knowledge of a specific market sector that you then used to write software or run consultancy services that operate within that sector.
For those people who have moved into IT from a previous career my questions are:
1. What did you do then? (if you don't mind saying).
2. What do you do now? (again if you don't mind divulging this).
3. What skills/expertise did that work bring with you that has benefitted your IT career? How?
As an example, business knowledge of a specific market sector that you then used to write software or run consultancy services that operate within that sector.
For those people who have moved into IT from a previous career my questions are:
1. What did you do then? (if you don't mind saying).
2. What do you do now? (again if you don't mind divulging this).
3. What skills/expertise did that work bring with you that has benefitted your IT career? How?