We use Exchange Server 5.5 SP4 on a NT4 SP5 server.
We have about 165 mailboxes.
We have a mailbox limit of 18MB for about 90% of the users. Some users have bigger mailboxes but they are all less than 50mb. Some users keep complaining that their mailbox is too small.
At the moment our priv.edb is 3.2Gb. I was wondering if this is big or not ? We are thinking about increasing the mailbox size for all users but we are not sure what a "normal" size for the priv.edb is for this amount of users.
We have about 165 mailboxes.
We have a mailbox limit of 18MB for about 90% of the users. Some users have bigger mailboxes but they are all less than 50mb. Some users keep complaining that their mailbox is too small.
At the moment our priv.edb is 3.2Gb. I was wondering if this is big or not ? We are thinking about increasing the mailbox size for all users but we are not sure what a "normal" size for the priv.edb is for this amount of users.