Hi, I am creating this page where I can upload files onto a server. Here is my code on the asp page that uploads the file
<% Dim objuploadform, objfs, objfso, objfile, strfn
set objuploadform = Server.CreateObject("SiteGalaxyUpload.Form")
if objuploadform("cmdsubmitdisk") <> "" then
'save to disk
set objfs = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strfn = server.MapPath("/attachments") & "\" & objfs.Get
set objfs = Nothing
end if
I am not too familiar with uploading files onto a webserver. I followed a guide to create this code. I was also instructed to intall a SiteGalaxy Component. But at the end of it, I am getting an error: "Invalid ProgID". I am sure this has something to do with the SiteGalaxy Upload.
Can someone help? Thx