I currently have a 50 site l2l ipsec vpn terminating at a cisco asa at HQ. The remote sites have a 2800 cisco with either DSL for Cable internet service. I have since purchased a spring cellular HWIC for backup and am trying to integrate it. If the dsl goes down i would like the hwic to dial and reestablish the tunnel. I have the cellular card setup as backup interface. Also have put an sla on the primary dsl route. This pings a Router behind my ASA and if it is unreachable for 30 seconds it removes my dsl default route and routes traffic thru the cellular modem. This all works. The tunnel just doesn't establish again once the celluar connection comes up. I have the crypto map statements on both dsl interface and the cellular. If i boot the router with the external dsl modem turned off, the router automatically kicks in the cellular card and creates the tunnel. Is there a setting i am missing on the ASA or the router. Any input would be great.