Dear All :
Any advise - how can I enable a Site-2-Site VPN Connection between a PC and a PIX Firewall ?
is there any VPN Client can do it ?
All the VPN I know only create a remote access VPN with a group password and a vpn password ... but I need to create a Site-to-Site VPN ?
Mohamed Farid
[green]Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!![/green]
Any advise - how can I enable a Site-2-Site VPN Connection between a PC and a PIX Firewall ?
is there any VPN Client can do it ?
All the VPN I know only create a remote access VPN with a group password and a vpn password ... but I need to create a Site-to-Site VPN ?
Mohamed Farid
[green]Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!![/green]