I have a tz 170 sonicwall and a cisco vpn concentrator linking our dallas any NY office via ipsec.
Both sites have dedicated 100MB cogent lines.
I get 4.7mb throughput over the vpn. It is kind of weird, beacuse even when im pushing a lot of traffic,or no traffic, it always benchmarks at 4.7
teh sonicwall and the cisco concentrator claim speeds much faster than this, so i dont know whats limitting it. I was getting only 2.xmbs under 3des, but under des i'm now getting 4.7. Any ideas? I know its not the cogent line, because i get much faster throughput than that to all internet sites
Both sites have dedicated 100MB cogent lines.
I get 4.7mb throughput over the vpn. It is kind of weird, beacuse even when im pushing a lot of traffic,or no traffic, it always benchmarks at 4.7
teh sonicwall and the cisco concentrator claim speeds much faster than this, so i dont know whats limitting it. I was getting only 2.xmbs under 3des, but under des i'm now getting 4.7. Any ideas? I know its not the cogent line, because i get much faster throughput than that to all internet sites