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  • Congratulations Mike Lewis on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!


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Technical User
Oct 4, 2002
I would really appreciate some comments / ideas / inspiration / anything about my new site - Thanks everyone...

common,,,,,you can do better then this!
errrrrm, a bit down at the moment, back in a few minutes?
[lol] hope I helped!
Heh heh heh,
Had a bit of a problem uploading... didnt want everyone to see my whole site files so i chucked a temporary index file up there...
its all sorted now with uploading anyway, so it will be back online in a couple of minutes...
Lets try again!!

not bad Tjobbe until I viewed the guestbook and hit close window and it shut my browser window. I'll let you know what I think of the site and mistakes etc.. after you get rid of that irritating button or change it to a back button hope I helped!
Already done...
Thanks for your time...

I think the site is way too grey, but I love the content ;-)

Good Job!
I agree with Spyderix on the too grey part. Other than needing some color, looks great to me :) confusedlady
sorry about the slight attitude earlier, but that's about the owrst thing I've seen designers doing is mesisng with the users browser window.

I like the site also, but I agree that the gray gives a way to dark feel. Possibly a little lighter gray may offset it. If SPYDERIX says it is after his last layout for his site then it deffinetely is too dark. cehap shot[lol] I still liked the layout of that site SPYDERIX.

You could use some formatting in the The Tale of Peter The Whale popup. It's smuthered together pretty bad. Other then that I see no issues expecialy seeing as you state IE6 etc... so testing in lower versions is probably what you are not looking for.

O' you could format the guestbook more so it matches the theme of the site better.

Sometimes starting over can fix a problem at the end

Cheap shot indeed there onpnt. lol I liked that layout too but it was too dark, besides this new one looks more professional.


I have noticed a problem. At the first page there is your IFRAME and in it is the Joint Rollers Handboook and that opens up what looks like the whole page inside that IFRAME whereas the link to it on the side opens a new page. Are you trying to open that page as it's own new window or do you want it to open as that page in that window, or do you want it to open in the IFRAME like that?

Hope this helps!
Thanks very much for the advice people...
I will take it on the chin and certainly make some changes there...
Tjobbe , like your site...
I'm not sure of anyone has mentioned this before but i'd try to get the whole page on one page (so now vertical scrol bars appears)
I'd also try to align the "counte" image along with the links, on the right side...
But the rest of the site, me likey...:) Nice job man... I have not failed; I merely found 100,000 different ways of not succeding...
Not sure if other's viewed the site in IE but the navigation buttons are a bit difficult to read, especially with the drop shadow. If you change the background color to a lighter gray, it may resolve the problem. However, I think the button color can be brighter and there is no need for the drop shadow at all.

From a navigation design and usability perspective, I have a problem with right-side navigation. In my experience, it is not the first place a visitor's eye travels to when viewing a web page. So, if they have to spend any time trying to get to your navaigation, I see a small problem.

On the free email page, I see no need to make the font smaller for the following:

Full instructions on how to set up will be e-mailed to you upon completion, please note it can take up to 24 hours for the instructions etc to be e-mailed back to you..

Additionally, you end this statement with two periods.

Guestbook page, text should be left justified, not centered and right justified for the form.

Joint Rollers Handbook, line spacing between rollover is inconsistent.

Links page, gray on gray for the links is difficult to read

That's all for now. I hope it helps.
Thanks for your tips people....
much appreciated,
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