Hi all,
I would greatly appreciate your constructive criticism on I myself am not a web designer, just a lowly programmer. So I'm having issue making the site look "good" rather then just "eh". I was hoping that you might be able to help me out in that area. I'd really enjoy suggestions on the navigation. I need a different menu system, as what I have starts to wrap if your res is less then 1024 x 768. Plus, I still have more categories to add to my top level menu. I just can't think of something that might look better for the menu's.
Thanks in advance!
I would greatly appreciate your constructive criticism on I myself am not a web designer, just a lowly programmer. So I'm having issue making the site look "good" rather then just "eh". I was hoping that you might be able to help me out in that area. I'd really enjoy suggestions on the navigation. I need a different menu system, as what I have starts to wrap if your res is less then 1024 x 768. Plus, I still have more categories to add to my top level menu. I just can't think of something that might look better for the menu's.
Thanks in advance!