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Site feedback

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Nice looking flash site.

1. When I clicked on sample sites, it opened half way off my screen (1024x768, IE5.5)

2. In the "build your site" section, second step( I chose computers in step one); there are no thumbnails to choose your design from. Will not let me continue with program.

3. Went back and tried medical and all worked fine.

Other than reducing the number of windows that open everything looks great. The only dumb questions are the ones that are never asked
I viewed it in a 800*600 resolution in IE5.5...

Love the color schemes...
Love the layout...
Love the format...

only one comment, when you hit the "VIEW SAMPLE SITE" link a new window pops-up, why not have the window pop-up as a full screen, the text was too small in the box to read and some ppl. might not realize you have to make the window large...if you have the pop-up as a full screen it'd be better...
LOVE THE SITE!! I have not failed; I merely found 100,000 different ways of not succeding...
Thanks Guys,

I'm going to redo the site in Flash 5 MX minus the pop-ups and spelling mistake, Thanks for your help

Mike --
| Mike Nixon
| Unix Admin
| ----------------------------
I viewed the home page and clicked through a bunch of other pages. I love the flash intro. My only comment on the home page is that the letters A, P, S, C, H do not mean anything unless you rollover them - therefore, from a usability standpoint they are not intuitive to all users. Based on client studies, I find that users much more prefer to see the familar words/text for Contact Us, Products, Help, etc. Other than that, I would love to know how you are enabling your client users to edit their pages. Oh, also the back button doesn't not work on some pages and as a user (and IT project manager), I find this to be an unsatisfactory development practice.
The rotating buttons are too distracting and garish. Also, the small one near the top left corner rotates the opposite way. Is there a reason for this?
Really nice site, love the flash. [deejay]
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!"
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