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Site design length estimate

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Technical User
Mar 26, 2002
Hello everyone,
I'm going to be getting a client that has a web site that is currently hosting and maintained by another company. Unfortunately, all the site programming listed below is owned by that company. They want to transfer to my computer, but I haven't created some of these advanced features.

Are my time estimates correct relative to learning the following things? Also, if a person that already knew where to go to download sample CGI files were to do it, how long would it take. Thanks and here are the estimates:

Includes about 200 pages - procedure to move to my servers = 8 hrs
Mailiing list = 3 hrs
3 Forms = 3 hrs
Shopping cart = 6 hrs
Selling books via Amazon links
Message Forum = 6 hrs
Combo box for Tele-Train events via region = 3 hrs

Total, about 30 hours to redo the site under my company name.

Thanks again,

Sopht Solutions

Building Long-Term
IT Relationships. Everyday.
I don't see how any of us could really estimate these times for you... they're so dependant on several things. From your skill level, to the skill level of the original designer. What type of server side scripting is used for the forms, how well versed are you in it? Is the shopping cart home grown or is it a sold solution?

All of these things are going to play into it... I'm guessing your #'s are close for you if that's where you put them... I'd pad it at least 15% if you have any doubt, always better to come in under time than over.

Rob, thanks for your input. Assuming you know how to do these things, how long would it take you to do these objectives?

Thanks, Sopht Solutions

Building Long-Term
IT Relationships. Everyday.
Hi mate,

Rob is correct, we cannot tell you how long it would take you, only you will know. If you don't know, try it and find out.

No matter how many people comment on how long it would take them, loads of things would come into play:

o Your knowledge.
o Your debugging ability.
o Your typing speed.
o Your concentration.
o etc etc.

This alone makes any times that we could tell you pointless.

It's like asking how long it takes to walk a certain distance, different people take different times, you can't tell how long it will take you until you actually walk and time yourself.

Hope this helps Wullie

The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change.
The leader adjusts the sails. - John Maxwell
Here's the newest message from them. I really want to get this contract, and am willing to work extra unbilled hours. With everyone's help, I hope to be able to supply her with all the tools the previous provider used.

here's the message:
Thanks for your response. Monday I am booked. At the moment I am just making sure its possible to recreate and trying to get an idea on cost and time frame to do so. Also, how much of it is capturable as is. We are currently copying everything we can from our admin. suite.

I'll be deciding if and who will do it within the next couple of weeks and then of course want it done yesterday (just kidding). One question I would have for you is if you have an administrative suite and how user friendly and functional it is for me. Most of the pages on the site I have created via the admin. suite and I also have done to close to 20 forms using their forms module. Plus, I don't know if you noticed but this is an "intranet type" area with login access (RPN login). For it I need to be able to organize and categorize documents that need to be downloadable. Also don't know if you noticed the search features via the map and find an agent, find an office.

I don't want you to spend too much time working up an estimate quite yet as I am exploring a few options. A ballpark figure and time frame would be fine at this point.

I appreciate your time and look forward to talking further in the very near future.

Sopht Solutions

Building Long-Term
IT Relationships. Everyday.
Hi mate,

From your previous estimate to complete certain functions and the extra things that they mention, you are looking at a much higher amount of time than you previously thought.

Without actually seeing the site, we couldn't really comment on the time it would take us anyway. But this poses a problem as you certainly don't want to post a link here.

Hope this helps Wullie

The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change.
The leader adjusts the sails. - John Maxwell
Yep, you're right. I guess I'm looking for some suggestions on some site administration programs that would take the programming part out of the picture. this way, she can create her own new web pages and forms without having to contact me. Sopht Solutions

Building Long-Term
IT Relationships. Everyday.
Hi mate,

If you want my suggestion, create your own rather than using one off the net. You can create an admin panel without too much fuss and it can also be used for future clients with a little modification.

The main reason to create your own though is that you can build it around the site and the features the client requires.

The other option that you would have available to you would be to outsource some of the work, this results in less money for you overall but a quicker turnover for the site.

Hope this helps Wullie

The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change.
The leader adjusts the sails. - John Maxwell
From a purely estimating CYA perspective and from years of project management experience, it is always a good idea to use the time and cost you think it will take and add 20% to your estimate. It usually helps. If you finish it earlier than estimated, all the better for you and the client.
To answer that is like trying to answer, how long will it take for me to get to Manchester in my Car?

Firstly you would want to know, Where are you starting from? What car have you got? Will you keep to the limit? When are you going (traffic).... but as for the 20% added on.... well you never know about a traffic jam.


Its a very hard thing to say, even if people have years of experience in the field (i dont) - because no-one can put a time on the un-expected. I personally think that the best thing to do is use all of your experience and knowledge to come up with an educated guess, add 20%... and hope!


Dan ----------------------------------------
There are 2 types of computer, the prototype and the obsolete!!
HI Guys,

As I have said before, the best way to know is to do it, then you have a ballpoint figure in the future.

A nice little freeware program that will help you is:

Hope this helps Wullie

The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change.
The leader adjusts the sails. - John Maxwell
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