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Site check pls

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looks quite nice! I really love the different style sheets. It's fun to have such options. My comments are on what I feel you could improve upon as your site already looks quite nice as it is.

I would move the arrow to the top right of the page instead of the bottom right and move it to the rightmost part of the page so there is less chance of it overlapping text (I hate animated icons overlapping text). It would also be nice that it doesn't animate as we arrive on the page. I tend to click the back button if I see something move that is about that size because I think it's an ad. :)

I do not know if "Like a dream..." really means a lot to someone coming on your page for the first time. It could mean so many things that it really has not much relevance. Try to have a more descriptive subtitle or expand upon the one you have in the darker box below it ("This site guides you through the process of"). It would help users know if they should stay on your site or leave. I'd change that darker box to be the subtitle by changing it's wording a bit.

Also I prefer when the links are the same size when you put your mouse over them. I like moving my mouse over a link as I read it and having it jump sizes when I do annoys me.

Your content is great though. If I was a fan I'd be on your site often.

Great job. Gary Haran
Few comments:

1. You don't show what style is currently selected, and there's no option to know what it is (if you didn't switch them all several times to remember their look).

2. Changing font size on mouseover event is not a good thing. It causes page content to jump up and down, and this is not so pretty-looking style.

3. Question text (in answers area) are highlighted when you point mouse over them. What is it for? This is useless action that confuses a visitor.
Also, it's :hover settings in some styles uses such colors that it is impossible to read what is written there.

4. The sliding "top" arrow and question text highlighting doesn't work in Opera (the latter is for good by my opinion).

If you don't have javascript enabled you don't get any stylesheet at all. Although it looks pretty good without it too.

Hope this helps. [smurf]
The only thing that I would add to the comments above is that when you mouseover your "Arrow Graphic" that you give it a title that would say "Back to top of page" something like that. Just to let the user know what it does.

"did you just say Minkey?, yes that's what I said."

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