BCM450 R6 with latest patches
3 DID's:
-YYYY - Pilot
-YYYY is the the only one registered
When calling -XXXX or -ZZZZ the inbound caller cannot be heard
Carrier(Comwave) states that the BCM is replying to them with the BCM's Internal IP therefore when they reply back it of course does not get to the BCM because it is an internal address when we need the Public IP.
-Under System/IP Subsystem both Discovered Public Address and Provisioned Public Address have the external IP address.
The DNS settings have
Local Domain:
Primary DNS: 192.168.X.X
Secondary DNS: 192.168.X.Y
Under LAN interfaces the Allow Network box is checked
-Under SIP Trunking/GlobalSettings/ Local Domain is blank
Nowhere aside from LAN Interface do I see the address on the BCM
What/where else to look??
Toronto, Canada
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3 DID's:
-YYYY - Pilot
-YYYY is the the only one registered
When calling -XXXX or -ZZZZ the inbound caller cannot be heard
Carrier(Comwave) states that the BCM is replying to them with the BCM's Internal IP therefore when they reply back it of course does not get to the BCM because it is an internal address when we need the Public IP.
-Under System/IP Subsystem both Discovered Public Address and Provisioned Public Address have the external IP address.
The DNS settings have
Local Domain:
Primary DNS: 192.168.X.X
Secondary DNS: 192.168.X.Y
Under LAN interfaces the Allow Network box is checked
-Under SIP Trunking/GlobalSettings/ Local Domain is blank
Nowhere aside from LAN Interface do I see the address on the BCM
What/where else to look??

Toronto, Canada
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