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Single quote in Dynamic sql

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Jun 20, 2001
When I execute my Dynamic sql statement, I get an missing keyword error because it sees a single quote value.

Is there a way to replace the single quote value?

Depends..Should we guess what the Sql statement is?


To Paraphrase:"The Help you get is proportional to the Help you give.."

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
The value that needs to be inserted using dynamic sql is like this: Lighting Foundations - 100' Poles

I want to preserve the single quote when I do the insert into table using Dynamic sql.


There are multiple methods to deal with this issue. My favourite method is to us a "backward apostrophe" (`)...[i.e., an Oracle chr(96)] to represent a normal single quote/apostrophe:
select 'Lighting Foundations - 100` Poles' string from dual;

Lighting Foundations - 100` Poles
If you don't like that technique, then another method (in Oracle) to represent a literal single quote with a quoted string is to code the string as:
select 'Lighting Foundations - 100'' Poles' string from dual;

Lighting Foundations - 100' Poles
In Oracle, two successive single quotes within a literal result in one single quote.

Another method:
select replace('Lighting Foundations - 100^ Poles','^',chr(39)) string from dual;

Lighting Foundations - 100' Poles
Let us know your thoughts about these options.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
I have done some research on tek-tip on this and I've seen your solution for this before. I can't really alter the data. I am trying to do something like this but can't get it to work:

Translate(in_str, char(39),char(39)||char(39)||char(39))

We are still "flying blind" (as Turkbear mentioned above) until you post your actual dynamic SQL statement. Please post a/the block of code that represents what you are trying to do.

Also, please post an explanation of why you are apparently attempting to code literal data (e.g., "Lighting Foundations - 100' Poles") into your dynamic SQL.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
Please post the actual Insert statement
that you want to use .

Santa's methods do not require altering the data, just the sql used for the insert.


To Paraphrase:"The Help you get is proportional to the Help you give.."
Sorry about that, here is the actual statement that fails, because of the single quote value.

MERGE INTO DETAILS37150433 dp USING ( SELECT 199077 as id FROM dual) dp1 ON ( dp.ID = dp1.id ) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Category2='Lighting Foundations - 100' Poles' WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (ID,PROGRESSTYPE,CONTRACT, Category2) VALUES (199077,185864,37150433,'Lighting Foundations - 100' Poles')

I am working on a datastore that needs hierachical data to be flattened out, there are a bunch of fields like Category2 column in the above query which is built dynamically and needs to be populated.
Thanks for posting the sample code, Ram. IMO, the simplest method for achieving your objective is to use the "double-single-quote" method as I illustrate in your code, below:
MERGE INTO DETAILS37150433 dp USING ( SELECT 199077 as id FROM dual) dp1  ON    ( dp.ID = dp1.id )  WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Category2='Lighting Foundations - 100'' Poles' WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN   INSERT  (ID,PROGRESSTYPE,CONTRACT, Category2) VALUES (199077,185864,37150433,'Lighting Foundations - 100'' Poles')
Let us know of your findings/results using this code.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]

To print quotes in a dynamic sql statement, I have had to place 4 quotes and concantenators on either side. I know the app is a bit different, but its a suggestion.
field_name := 'text'
variable := ''''||field_name||''''

update_string:='UPDATE temp_output SET '||variable||'where blah_blah = blah_blah';

The way the variable will print is ::

Otherwise it will say invalid identifier. Can you place the text you want in a string?

I think you were on the right track with your use of the translate function, but I'm not aware that translate can replace a single character with a double character substitute. I would try the replace function instead. Something like the following should work.

replace(in_str, '''', '''''')
Thanks All.

I will try both karluk and CIMTEET suggestions and update my results here.

Hope it helps anybody searching for a similar issue.

Thanks again!
CIMTEET suggestion of wrapping the text with quotes was pretty close to what I needed. I made a small change to it and used two single quotes as shown below:
field_name := 'Text' -- text that contains a single quote
variable := ''||field_name||''

The replace command as suggested by Kurluk appends an additional single quote to the data, I couldn't find a way to work around that.

I had to slip this one in to correct what I said earlier.
I used both CIMTEET and Kurluk suggestions. Here's how I made this work

v_attributeValue:= ''''||REPLACE(fieldName,'''','''''')||'''';

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