Hi. Is the following VPN configuration possible using either the Linksys BEFVP41 and/or the Netgear FVS318? I would like to place the VPN router at home with a computer behind the router acting as the "backend" of a Microsoft Access database server (i.e. this is where the database tables reside for purpose of centralizing the data). The front end of the database application (i.e, the database forms and modules) reside on each of our three computers at the office. The trick is to have the database applicate "attach" to the database tables on the computer behind the VPN router at home. To accomplish this, the drive letter of the back end computer behind the VPN router has to be mapped as a network resource of the front end computers. Is it possible to have three simultaneous VPN connections initiated from the front end office machines (using VPN client software) routed through the one public IP address at the office to the back end computer behind the VPN router. Our office is in a suite with other companies. The office suite has a router for each companies network. Is this goal possible? TIA. Egan.