I have setup a VPN server on Windows 2003 server using RRAS. I am using 2 NIC's and want to have intranet and internet access via my network. I have had mixed results with some of the things I have tried but right now I have a remote office connecting to use a database. They lose internet access when they connect to the VPN server (using PPTP). I am testing locally on the same network connecting to the VPN server with Win XP client. I lose internet but some things seem to come back up while other things still dont work. My Internet Explorer stops working (Gets page can not be displayed) but my Windows media player reconnects. I know this seems to be a common problem and this is my first VPN. The only training I had was in my 2000 MCSE class and it was brief. I had no problem getting it setup and working but its not where I want it to be so any help would be greatly appreciated.