I'm trying to figure out how to make number column values in dBaseIII/IV appear to be blank. I understand that dBaseIII/IV does not support NULL per se. However, I have used some products, namely MSExcel and ESRI products (Environmental Systems Research Institute), that allow the user to leave number values blank. However, when I import these dBase files into some software, the blank values show up as a default value, such as 0. I am working in one of these softwares right now that shows them all as 0 (ESRI software ArcMap). For obvious reasons, this is not acceptable. ArcMap comes with a collection of COM objects (called ArcObjects) that can be used for customization. So, I am building a VB6 application that reads data via an ADO connection/Oracle or SQLSvr into a dBase file. My problem is how to get the values that should be NULL to just stay blank in the dBase file. VBNULL or NULL converts to 0 and VBEMPTY converts to 1 (as I'm sure many of you already know). I tried to just not touch the fields, but they still change end up with a default 0 in them. Does anybody know what this is all about or have any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!