I have been using tkhtml to display html files, it works OK. Now I would like to display a live web page in a window.
I found this code on package require Tkhtml
package require http
pack [scrollbar .vsb -orient vertical -command {.html yview}] -side right -fill y
pack [html .html -bg white -yscrollcommand {.vsb set}] -fill both -expand 1
set t [http::geturl ]
.html parse [http::data $t]
http::cleanup $t
I get an error couldn't open socket: connection timed out at set t [http::geturl ]
Why is that? Is there something I need to setup on the unix side?
-I have http 2.4.5 tkhtml 2.0
- My internet connection works, I can display the site in Internet Explorer
I have been using tkhtml to display html files, it works OK. Now I would like to display a live web page in a window.
I found this code on package require Tkhtml
package require http
pack [scrollbar .vsb -orient vertical -command {.html yview}] -side right -fill y
pack [html .html -bg white -yscrollcommand {.vsb set}] -fill both -expand 1
set t [http::geturl ]
.html parse [http::data $t]
http::cleanup $t
I get an error couldn't open socket: connection timed out at set t [http::geturl ]
Why is that? Is there something I need to setup on the unix side?
-I have http 2.4.5 tkhtml 2.0
- My internet connection works, I can display the site in Internet Explorer