I'd like to create (or use, if once exists) a function that "translates" a numeric value of 1 through, say, 26 to A through Z. I want to use an index (the 1-26) in coding, but have the result become a suffix to a label of a variable. For example if the index value is 6, I'd like to pick off the sixth element of an array, "F." And, of course, if I wanted 1-26 to refer to A,Z,B,Y,C,X, etc. and have the sixth element refer to X, is there a convenient way to do so?
As I was typing this, I realized that I could simply set of a string of AZBYCX and use the "mid" function to get at the data. Why didn't I think of that before? Guess it's the old "when I explain the problem, I see the solution" syndrome. If someone has a better/more elegant way, please let me know.
Thanks, John Harkins
As I was typing this, I realized that I could simply set of a string of AZBYCX and use the "mid" function to get at the data. Why didn't I think of that before? Guess it's the old "when I explain the problem, I see the solution" syndrome. If someone has a better/more elegant way, please let me know.
Thanks, John Harkins