Hi all.
I have an MSSQL stored Procedure which works when I access it from Query Analyzer but not from ASP.
The stored Proc has one value passed to it
Any help really appreciated!
The line in query analyzer is:
execute op_CSInsertCustomerCall 100
The code for my asp file is:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim dbConn
Dim strSQL
Dim username
Set dbConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
'Connect to the database
dbConn.ConnectionString = Application("CustomerServices_ConnectionString"
dbConn.ConnectionTimeout = Application("CustomerServices_ConnectionTimeout"
dbConn.Execute "EXEC op_CSInsertCustomerCall 100"
I have an MSSQL stored Procedure which works when I access it from Query Analyzer but not from ASP.
The stored Proc has one value passed to it
Any help really appreciated!
The line in query analyzer is:
execute op_CSInsertCustomerCall 100
The code for my asp file is:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim dbConn
Dim strSQL
Dim username
Set dbConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
'Connect to the database
dbConn.ConnectionString = Application("CustomerServices_ConnectionString"
dbConn.ConnectionTimeout = Application("CustomerServices_ConnectionTimeout"
dbConn.Execute "EXEC op_CSInsertCustomerCall 100"