Sorry in advance for this but I am totally new to Unix scripting and would appreciate some help. Working mainly on Network routers and switches, I am having trouble putting together a little script to run periodically outputting the disk, cpu and memory usage of a unix host. The host is a Nokia firewall but it uses a cut down BSD derived unix OS.
I would appreciate if anyone can post how I would actually get something like this to run say with cron to have 3 or so commands eg.. /usr/bin/uptime, /usr/bin/vmstat 1 4, /bin/dk - k every minute and log to a local file or a syslog server.
I know I can send all logs to a syslog server no problems but to get thes 3 specific commands to run would allow me to troubleshoot a recurring problem on the host. The limitations of the job pervent me from using snmp.
Greig (user: p0000h)
I would appreciate if anyone can post how I would actually get something like this to run say with cron to have 3 or so commands eg.. /usr/bin/uptime, /usr/bin/vmstat 1 4, /bin/dk - k every minute and log to a local file or a syslog server.
I know I can send all logs to a syslog server no problems but to get thes 3 specific commands to run would allow me to troubleshoot a recurring problem on the host. The limitations of the job pervent me from using snmp.
Greig (user: p0000h)