Actually it is part of q select query where if I get a true response, I want to alter the variable and increase the duration. I intend to get to that next week. For now, I did figure out that I can use PARAMETERS to set thi up, at least I think so. I tried this:
PARAMETERS [RptDur] Integer;
Then I added this:
WHERE ([RptDur]=-14)
I get a pop-up window, which I don't want, but if I enter the -14, I get the correct results. So my question is how can I set a default? Thank you for your response.
Yhe whole query gets a little long so I think I'll just do the top part:
SELECT Att.EmployeeNumber,
Emp.NameFirst, Emp.NameInitial,
COUNT(Att.EmployeeNumber) AS RecCnt
FROM tblEmployees AS Emp LEFT JOIN tblAttendence AS Att
ON Emp.EmployeeNumber=Att.EmployeeNumber
WHERE ([RptDur]=-14)
And (Emp.EmpStatusType="Active" And
Emp.PayType="per Hour"
And(Att.DateWeekStarting Between Nz([Enter Start Date],DateAdd("ww",[RptDur],Date()))
And Dateadd("ww",(([RptDur]*-1)-1),Nz([Enter Start Date],DateAdd("ww",[RptDur],Date()))))
Of course it does go on but I think that this should give you an idea of where I am trying to eventually go. Thanks the the response.
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