Technical User
Just a simple question.
If I want to avoid the use of ADVANCE='NO' and I want to print a progress bar on the screen going from left to right, why doesn't the following statement work then?
WRITE (*,FMT='(I4,A1)') iperc,'%'
WRITE (*,FMT='(A)')CHAR(8)
As far as I know CHAR(8) should be a backspace
Just a simple question.
If I want to avoid the use of ADVANCE='NO' and I want to print a progress bar on the screen going from left to right, why doesn't the following statement work then?
WRITE (*,FMT='(I4,A1)') iperc,'%'
WRITE (*,FMT='(A)')CHAR(8)
As far as I know CHAR(8) should be a backspace