I have two tables as shown below -
Table 1 - emp_rec table
Empl_ID Empl_Name On_Vacation
200 Jhon Y
300 Sean Y
400 Bill N
Table 2 - emp_table
Empl_ID Empl_Name
200 Jhon
300 Sean
I want to select records which are not in Table 2 BUT in Table 1. In this case record of Bill and if we found that there is record available, then set the value of On_Vacation as "Y" for all cases.
Empl_ID is primary key for all above tables.
Thanks for the help.
Table 1 - emp_rec table
Empl_ID Empl_Name On_Vacation
200 Jhon Y
300 Sean Y
400 Bill N
Table 2 - emp_table
Empl_ID Empl_Name
200 Jhon
300 Sean
I want to select records which are not in Table 2 BUT in Table 1. In this case record of Bill and if we found that there is record available, then set the value of On_Vacation as "Y" for all cases.
Empl_ID is primary key for all above tables.
Thanks for the help.