Hello,<br><br>I have a list box (VB6) which displays two fields from Table1, Surname and FirstName. The List box has these two fields delimited by a comma (and space) as per the code below. I would like to know what code I can use to then save these two fields separately from the List box into Table2 under the Surname and FirstName fields. The second set of code below shows the code I use to save both fields in List1 into a single field into Table2 (the full name). As I said, I would appreciate it if somebody could let me know what code I can use to save the Surname and FirstName separately from List1.<br><br> Do While Not rww.EOF<br> List1.AddItem rww!surname & ", " & rww!FirstName <br> rww.MoveNext<br> Loop<br> For I = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1<br> List1.Selected(I) = True<br> Next<br><br><br>For I = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1<br> rs.AddNew<br> List1.ListIndex = I <br> rs!Name = List1.Text<br> rs.Update<br>Next<br><br>Thank You<br>