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simple if staement ttroubleshoot

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Technical User
Jun 30, 2008
hi I am a newbie in vbscript i am stuck badly in coding of n if statement please need your help

Dim chkFl20
chkFl20 = 0

Dim cnt20
Dim mark20

cnt20 = objWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
mark20 = 1

Do While mark20 <= cnt20
If objworkbook.Worksheets(mark20).Name = "GSM Nbr Cell" and objworkbook.Worksheets(mark20).Name = "UTRAN-GSM Relation" Then
chkFl20 = 1
exit do
end if

if chkFl20 = 0 then
objtxtStream.Writeline "Scripts for Relations cannot be generated- Missing GSM Nbr Cell or UTRAN-GSM Relation Tab"



In this I want the else statement to be executed only if i can the tabs GSM Nbr Cell and utran relations is found... but somehow this is not excuted..


<JOB ID=Submit_Reminder>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript" SRC="c:\test\clearquest.bas"/>
dim flag_rnc, objSheet, rxfl
dim flag_rxi, strRNC , strMarket, strRegion, strMarketPhase, strRXI, final_ch
sy = 0
final_ch = 0
rxfl = 0

Set objFSO = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set objtxtStream = objFSO.CreateTextFile("c:\test\log.txt", True)


Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' We are ready to use the InputBox-function
' InputBox (prompt, title, default, xpos, ypos)
' prompt: the text shown in the input box
' title: the title shown in the input box
' default: the value shown as default in the input field
' xpos/xpos: upper left corner of the input box
' if some values are omitted, WSH uses default values

filnam = InputBox("Enter the Input file name","File Check","File name", 100, 100)

pathnm = "c:\test\"&filnam&".xls"
'dim fs
Set fs = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
if not fs.fileexists(pathnm) then
Wscript.echo "File doesn't exist - Check file name!!"
end if

'end if

' end if 'end of successful session


' Bind to Excel object.
On Error Resume Next
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
On Error GoTo 0
Wscript.Echo "Excel application not found."
End If
On Error GoTo 0

strExcelPath = "c:\test\"&filnam&".xls"

' Open specified spreadsheet and select the first worksheet.
objExcel.WorkBooks.Open strExcelPath

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("c:\test\"&filnam&".xls")

This basically opens up a box whch ask to enter the name of the file but i want a browse option so that i can browse what changes do i make in the code..

your help is appreciated
For your first question the line:
If objworkbook.Worksheets(mark20).Name = "GSM Nbr Cell" and objworkbook.Worksheets(mark20).Name = "UTRAN-GSM Relation"
This can't ever be true as the worksheet can't have two names, how were you intending this line to work?


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