I have two frames top and bottom that load just fine, but when I need to click to another non-frame html file the bottom frame doesn't close allowing only the non-framed page to open.
This is the frameset file which has a menu that directs the user to a non-framed page - how do I make the bottom frame close and the top frame be the only one seen?
<script language="JavaScript">
<frameset rows="29%, 81%" frameborder="no" border=0>
<frame src="menu.htm" name="Frame0" marginheight=1 marginwidth=1 scrolling="no">
<frame src="something.htm" name="Frame1" marginheight=1 marginwidth=1 scrolling="yes">
<script language="JavaScript">
What's your major malfunction
This is the frameset file which has a menu that directs the user to a non-framed page - how do I make the bottom frame close and the top frame be the only one seen?
<script language="JavaScript">
<frameset rows="29%, 81%" frameborder="no" border=0>
<frame src="menu.htm" name="Frame0" marginheight=1 marginwidth=1 scrolling="no">
<frame src="something.htm" name="Frame1" marginheight=1 marginwidth=1 scrolling="yes">
<script language="JavaScript">
What's your major malfunction