A very simple cookie test to read an existing cookie and set
a new cookie. Is there some kind of privelage or something else I need to do to get the set (response.cookies) working as at the moment running this code I get the 'Sorry your request could not be completed...' message.
TIA - ps - Im running firefox with cookies enabled.
<% Option Explicit%>
dim fname
response.write("acc=" & fname)
dim newAcc
newAcc = "66666V"
Response.Cookies("ClientNew") = newAcc
A very simple cookie test to read an existing cookie and set
a new cookie. Is there some kind of privelage or something else I need to do to get the set (response.cookies) working as at the moment running this code I get the 'Sorry your request could not be completed...' message.
TIA - ps - Im running firefox with cookies enabled.
<% Option Explicit%>
dim fname
response.write("acc=" & fname)
dim newAcc
newAcc = "66666V"
Response.Cookies("ClientNew") = newAcc