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Simple CF Menu

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Jun 20, 2003
I am trying to create a simple DB driven menu. Initially only the parent items with parentid = 0 are displayed. When the user clicks on one of the parent title links I refresh the page and display the children. Pretty straight forward.

I have a recursive function, but the problem is this opens all levels upfront. Can anyone help me tweak this function so it takes the parentid in a url and displays the child while keeping the whole tree open.

Here is the code

The qryNavigation is generated using a cfquery on top of this function.

<cfset variables.menustring = "">
<cfset variables.navigation = "">
<cffunction name="GenerateNav" access="public" returntype="string">
    <CFARGUMENT name="parentID" type="numeric" required="yes" default=0 >
    <CFARGUMENT name="level" type="numeric" required="yes" default=0 >
    <!--- scoping the variables that need to have their values kept private
    to a particular instance of the function call... --->
    <CFSET var checkForKids = ""><!--- used to hold temporary check for children --->
    <CFSET var objNav = ""><!--- used to hold temporary subqueries --->
    <!--- On our initial call to this function, we will purge the menustring and grab our navigation source query. --->
        <CFIF arguments.level eq 0>
            <CFSET variables.navigation = qryNavigation>
            <CFSET variables.menustring = "">
        <!--- Retrieve all nav records from variables.navigation who are the children of our current parent --->
        <CFQUERY name="objNav" dbtype="query">
            select * from variables.navigation where parentid = <CFQUERYPARAM value="#arguments.parentid#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER">
            order by sortorder
        <!--- write our current parent to the menustring... --->
        <CFSET variables.menustring = variables.menustring & "<UL>">
        <!--- loop through this parent's children... --->
        <CFLOOP query="objNav">
            <!--- check for children. If there are any, call this function recursively --->
                <CFQUERY name="checkForKids" dbtype="query">
                    select * from variables.navigation where parentid = <CFQUERYPARAM value="#objNav.cntid#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER">
                <CFIF checkForKids.recordcount gt 0><!--- this child has kids too! add it to the menustring, then make the recursive call... --->
                    <CFSET variables.menustring = variables.menustring & "<a class='leftnavigation' href='test.cfm?cntid=#cntid#&parentid=#cntid#'> <LI>" & objNav.NavDescription >
						<CFSET GenerateNav(parentID = objNav.cntID, level = arguments.level + 1) >
                <CFELSE><!--- this child is childless...just add it to the menustring... --->
                    <CFSET variables.menustring = variables.menustring & "<a class='leftnavigation' href='test.cfm?cntid=#cntid#&parentid=#cntid#'> <LI>" & objNav.NavDescription >
                <!--- close the list item --->
                <CFSET variables.menustring = variables.menustring & "</LI>">
        <!--- close the UL tag --->
        <CFSET variables.menustring = variables.menustring & "</UL>">
        <!--- return final variable to the caller... --->
        <CFIF arguments.level eq 0>
            <CFRETURN variables.menustring>

Thanks for the help.
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Part and Inventory Search

