We are able to create a new check of 1 to 14 quantity of items (including menu item entries and discounts), but we get an error when items are > 14.
We are using the method:
Still not the version Ex2 Same result using Ex2 version.
The response when it fails (items > 14) is:
[pre]<html><head><title>Service Host</title><STYLE>body{background-color:#003399;color:White;font-family:Verdana;}A{text-decoration:none;color:White;}A:hover{text-decoration:underline;color:White;}IMG{border:none;}</STYLE></head><body><center><p>Internal Error 500<br></p><p><FONT size="1">Oracle Simphony</FONT></p></center></body></html>[/pre]
It is a WebServiceException - Internal Error 500.
Does anyone have this same problem? Any idea?Could it be solve using the [pre]postTransactionEx2()[/pre] method?
Thanks in advance.
We are able to create a new check of 1 to 14 quantity of items (including menu item entries and discounts), but we get an error when items are > 14.
We are using the method:
The response when it fails (items > 14) is:
[pre]<html><head><title>Service Host</title><STYLE>body{background-color:#003399;color:White;font-family:Verdana;}A{text-decoration:none;color:White;}A:hover{text-decoration:underline;color:White;}IMG{border:none;}</STYLE></head><body><center><p>Internal Error 500<br></p><p><FONT size="1">Oracle Simphony</FONT></p></center></body></html>[/pre]
It is a WebServiceException - Internal Error 500.
Does anyone have this same problem? Any idea?
Thanks in advance.