there is an issue when I run this(RVC Financial) report where the start time /end time is set to 12:00 Am
knowing that all the other reports end and start at 03:00 Am as set in the EMC at the start of the day settings
Stop ServiceHost using below command in CMD (make sure that CMD is opened with admin rights) :
taskkill /im servicehost.exe /t /f
Now we need to make sure which type of store it is
We need this information to be able to modify below script accordingly. Make sure you have the correct database credentials (username & password) for each type of store or ask USD agent to provide them and modify below script.
Open CMD with admin rights :
sqlcmd -S localhost\SQLEXPRESS -U <insert username here> -P <insert password here> -d checkpostingdb -Q "update TIME_ZONE set MinuteDiff = DateDiff(minute, GetUTCDate(), GetDate()) where TzIndex = (select TzIndex from PROPERTY)"
You will receive an update like "1 row affected" is script was successful.
Now you can open back ServiceHost and ask customer to check if now Time Period Report shows the correct hour
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