Moving from 9700 to Sim 2 hosted with onsite interface and check post. Need some (any) information about setting up a custom SIM script with Includes and Possibly DLL.
Currently have it working under extension Applications but, I can only get it to see one isl file and no includes. I get Errors when i try to have includes. also if i have a DLL file, where does that get installed? WKS, Interface server or uploaded to host?
Is there a way via cal, or do I even have to load it on the workstations?
Currently have it working under extension Applications but, I can only get it to see one isl file and no includes. I get Errors when i try to have includes. also if i have a DLL file, where does that get installed? WKS, Interface server or uploaded to host?
Is there a way via cal, or do I even have to load it on the workstations?